FN Freedom

Tips from the Financial Nomad: The Lazy Never Win

Tips from the Financial Nomad: The Lazy Never Win

Struggle With Money

Ever notice people always want another person to do something for them?

As herd animals we like traveling the path that is work and has the least resistance- its instinct.  It’s built into our survival.

What has happened over the millions of year homosapiens came to this world is that our brain has not been able to adapt to all the technology and fast pace we live in today.

It can be easier and more efficient to have someone else do a job for you.  However, when it comes to your finances giving up that control can be detrimental.

Why?  Because convention financial planning has no education involved.  Sales tactics are presented and people are told they are not smart enough to do it themselves- i disagree.

People are smart.  When given prudent information they are able to make decisions that are in their best interest.  

When people seek the lazy route and give up control over how money is put to work they have essentially given up ownership of the decision making process. .

Its easy to blame someone else, right?  Its hard to look in the mirror and admit to yourself that you screwed up.

Face the hard questions with the support from people ready to roll up the sleeves and get dirty with ya.  

Those are the people I seek to surround myself with in pursuit of F N Freedom.  Schedule a time to talk more if that hits home.

Ready to help you with whatever finance questions you have

The Financial Nomad life is designed to help you create and control your finances so that you have the freedom to travel the work and live the life you truly desire. Our goal is to help you not make more money but how to use each dollar that you earn so that it will always keep working for you, far into the future. 


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Dave Houser

Dave Houser – The Financial Nomad

My mission is to be the financial sherpa in your life so that you won’t make the series of mistakes young adults are constantly making with the limited financial knowledge they are getting. 


About FN Freedom

My mission is to be the financial sherpa in your life so that you won’t make the series of mistakes young adults are constantly making with the limited financial knowledge they are getting. 


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